Passages through genocide – scrivono in Palestina

scrittori e scrittrici palestinesi affrontano il genocidio di Gaza


We urge you to share, print, publish and distribute these texts by all possible means, in support of Palestinian liberation.

هبة أبو ندى | Hiba Abu Nada

نور الدين حجّاج | Noor Aldeen Hajjaj

نضال الفقعاوي | Nidal Alfqaawy

أسيل ياغي | Asil Yaghi

عصام هاني حجّاج | Esam Hani Hajjaj

هند جودة | Hind Joudah

المقداد جميل مقداد | Al-Meqdad Jameel Meqdad

إبراهيم مطر | Ebraheem Matar

بيسان نتيل | c

حسام معروف | Husam Maarouf

محمود جودة | Mahmoud Jouda

نور السويركي | Nour Swirki

أحمد مرتجى | Ahmed Mortaja


All rights reserved to the people of Palestine
كل الحقوق محفوظة لأهل فلسطين

All volunteers in this project — coordinators, translators, graphic and web designers — will remain anonymous as a sign of respect and humility towards our people in Gaza. With crediting the authors and without editing, we encourage you to publish, print, and distribute the texts by all possible means in support of the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Any financial income generated from these texts is the property of the people in Gaza and must be directed back to them in full. For questions and further coordination, please contact us.

una teoria che mi pare interessante, quella della confederazione delle anime. Mi racconti questa teoria, disse Pereira. Ebbene, disse il dottor Cardoso, credere di essere 'uno' che fa parte a sé, staccato dalla incommensurabile pluralità dei propri io, rappresenta un'illusione, peraltro ingenua, di un'unica anima di tradizione cristiana, il dottor Ribot e il dottor Janet vedono la personalità come una confederazione di varie anime, perché noi abbiamo varie anime dentro di noi, nevvero, una confederazione che si pone sotto il controllo di un io egemone.

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